HyPURE® Ultrafiltration

The treatment of water and wastewater to meet the high standards for process use or reuse requires the highest grades of filtration.

Membrane ultrafiltration provides the necessary rejection of both suspended solids, large molecular weight dissolved compounds as well as bacteria and viruses to achieve these requirements. Ultrafiltration offers superior water quality output compared with conventional clarification and filtration technologies within a compact footprint.

All HyPURE membrane systems can be containerised for ease of deployment

Hydroflux design and supply a range of robust HyPURE® UF ultrafiltration (and MF microfiltration) systems, with standard sizes ranging from 10m3/hr to 200m3/hr. Hydroflux Ultrafiltration systems can be easily integrated with our HyDAF or HySEP™ clarifier to improve treated water quality in a wide range of applications.

Hydroflux solutions range from robust systems designed for the tough conditions recycling industrial wastewater through to high purity systems for pretreamtent of process water in food, power and semiconductor applications.

With options for skid mounted or containerised the Hydroflux designs simplify site installation, whilst ensuring accessibility and ease of maintenance.

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Key Features
The Hydroflux HyPURE® range of ultrafiltration systems’ robust design and exceptional performance in industrial applications are just some of the reasons why these systems are so popular for potable and process water production.

The HyPURE® range of ultrafiltration systems can be utilised in a wide variety of applications.

  • Production of potable and process water from surface water and groundwater
  • Pre-treatment for HyPURE® Ultrafiltration
  • Recycling of tertiary treated effluent for Class A or Advanced Water (waste-to-potable) applications
  • Treatment of waste to meet strict environmental discharge standards
  • Production of high purity process water for food and beverage production through to use boiler make-up and semi-conductor manufacturing

Our expertise in the operation of pre-treatment stages also gives Hydroflux a unique edge in the industry.

We design the complete system from inlet to outlet to effectively manage water sources with the highest risk of membrane fouling. Our in depth understanding of managing complex feed streams leads to extended membrane life, low energy consumption, minimum downtime and maximum return on investment.

The Hydroflux HyPURE® range of Ultrafiltration systems’ exceptional performance in industrial applications make it ideal for process water production and wastewater recycling.

Some of the key features of the HyPURE® UF systems are:

  • VSD drives for all feed pumps, to optimise energy consumption and operating flux
  • Conservative design flux ensures extended membrane life, high recovery and minimium cleaning downtime for harsh environments such as blackwater and wastewater treatment
  • Robust, cost effective plant design all manufactured to Australian standards
  • Advanced instrumentation and monitoring to facilitate forecasting of system maintenance and membrane life
  • Remote plant control and troubleshooting support through HyCONNECT
  • Automatic chemically enhanced backwash and CIP systems are standard for all systems
  • Containerised or modular skid mounted solutions for true plug-and-play installation
  • Seemless integration of the HyPURE® UF plant with a wide range of pre-treatment solutions designed and supplied in-house by Hydroflux.

Hydroflux also offer the HyPURE® range with microfiltration membranes when required.

Our expertise in wastewater gives us a unique edge in the industry, as we design our systems to manage water sources with the highest risk of fouling. This conservative approach leads to extended membrane life, low energy consumption, minimum downtime and maximum recovery.

“What is the capacity of the range of HyPURE® UF systems?”
The HyPURE® UF range are individually designed to suit customer requirements, the treatment capacity can range from <5m3/D up to and above 50,000m3/D. We have standard sizes that we manufacture from 10 – 200m3/hr feed water flow rates.

“What type of maintenance is required on a HyPURE® UF?”
HyPURE® UF’s are designed for extended maintenance free operating periods. Typically only infrequent checking of chemicals, cartridge filter replacement and calibration of probes is necessary, as all critical operating data is continuously recorded through the HyCONNECT system. Operation of the plant can also be controlled remotely through the HyCONNECT system. A routine Clean in Place (CIP) is necessary to maximise membrane life however this process is made very simple by our online step-by-step CIP walkthrough, which minimises operator error in what would be a complex task on traditional UF plants. The treatment plant automatically conducts a chemically enhanced backwash (CEB) to reduce the need for CIP’s. CEBs are conducted with either sodium hypochlorite, an alkaline cleaning agent (often caustic) or an acidic cleaning agent (often citric/oxalic acid).

“Does the HyPURE® UF require a significant amount of power?”
Generally speaking, UF systems require similar power demands to other filtration technology (e.g. sand/media filtration). Hydroflux designs focus on energy efficiency, with the use of highly permiable PVDF UF membranes with efficient flux rates to minimise pressure and backwash frequency. Feed pump VSDs are fitted to all systems as standard to further minimise energy loss.

“What is the typical recovery achievable in the HyPURE® UF systems?”
The recovery (ratio of output treated water to input feed water) is generally dependant on the application and the propensity for membrane fouling. HyPURE® UF systems are designed to optimise recovery, even in harsh conditions such as industrial wastewater recycling where typically 92 – 96% is achieved.

“Can the HyPURE® UF system remove dissolved solids?”
Depending on the size (molecular weight) of the dissolved solid and the pore size of the UF membrane it is possible for some dissolved material to be removed. Inorganic species (dissolved salts) are too small to remove by ultrafiltration and typically nanofiltration or ultrafiltration is required.

“What is the typical backwash frequency for HyPURE® UF systems?”
Backwash frequency is variable, can can occur every 10 minutes to 120 minutes, depending on the application.

“How frequently does the HyPURE® UF system require chemical cleaning?”
A CEB is typically performed once per day to once per week, depending on the application. A CIP can occur anywhere from fortnightly to quarterly.