Hydrogen & Green Energy
Hydroflux is proud to be Australia’s first water treatment and technology company to achieve Climate Active carbon neutral certification for our entire organization. As part of our climate change mission, we continue to research, develop and invest in sustainable technologies.
Now our journey continues – our main range of water technology and associated chemical products are Climate Active certified as carbon neutral. To read more on our journey, click HERE.

Climate change is the single most significant environmental challenge facing the planet today. To combat this challenge, the International Energy Agency has identified the world must use approximately 7% less energy by 2030 than it does today, despite the global economy expecting to grow by 40% in that time. As part of this energy pathway, fossil fuel consumption must reduce by 75% over the next 10 years.
The global economy has responded to this decarbonization challenge with massive investment into renewable energy. Australia is set to become a powerhouse in the renewable energy sector to support global efforts to reach Net Zero by 2050 through massive investment into green energy.
Hydroflux is ready to support Australia’s growth in green energy in the following sectors:
- Green Hydrogen
- Green Steam
- CSP Solar Power
- Biogas and Biomethane
Find out more
To feed the global demand for renewable energy, significant development in the production of green hydrogen is occurring both in Australia and overseas. Due to an abundance of renewable energy sources Australia is set to become a global leader in the production of green hydrogen and ammonia over the next 10 years.
Green hydrogen is produced directly using renewable electricity and water. Stoichiometrically, approximately 10kg of high purity water is needed to produce 1kg of green Hydrogen. This huge demand for water as a treated feedstock in hydrogen production is going to create significant stress on existing water supplies. Depending on the type of electrolyser employed, the feedstock water quality requirement can be >10 MOHm/cm.
The design and construction of low energy, high efficiency water treatment systems and use of recycled water where practical will be key to minimising impact on Australia’ already water stressed environment.
Fortunately, Hydroflux are already Hydrogen Ready and are ready to deploy the most advanced water solutions for projects requiring up to 200MLD of clean water. Some of our solutions for green hydrogen include:
- HUBER & Flootech high capacity Raw water Intake screening
- Rotary drum medium capacity intake screening
- FlooDAF high capacity primary flotation
- HyDAF medium capacity primary flotation
- Circular and Lamella Clarifiers
- Media and Ultrafiltration
- Direct hollow fibre nanofiltration
- Brackish and Seawater Reverse Osmosis
- High capacity mixed bed ion exchange demineralisation
- Medium capacity electrodeionization demineralisation
- Backwash recovery and sludge dewatering
Australian manufacturing relies heavily on fossil fuels for the production of thermal energy needed in industrial processes. Australian and international innovations in thermal storage of green electricity is proving to be a game changer in decarbonising thermal dependent processes. Green thermal storage utilises high capacity inorganic resistors to convert green electricity into high temperature heat. This heat can then be transferred to high purity water to produce steam.
Hydroflux are a leading manufacturing in the production of bespoke solutions for production of high purity water for green steam generation. Hydroflux have successfully completed green steam projects in Australia.
Some of our solutions are for:
- Softening and Ion exchange
- Activated carbon filtration & Media filtration
- Ultrafiltration
- Direct hollow fibre Nanofiltration
- Spiral wound Nanofiltration
- Single and Double Pass Reverse Osmosis
- Electrodeionization
- Membrane Degassers for dissolved gas (CO2 and O2) removal

Hydroflux provides bespoke plug and play solutions for high purity green steam production
The reliable supply of process and demineralized water is critical for the operation of concentrating solar power (CSP) stations.
Due to the sensitive nature of the panels, which require routine cleaning and within the steam cycle, the demineralisation systems can be required to reach purity levels in excess of 17 MOhms/cm. Hydroflux are specialists in the design and construction of demineralized water solutions for the power sector and have our team have successfully completed projects in CSP around the world. Our team understand the strict safety, quality and validation expectations from the power industry. Through a collaborative design process, we customize our solutions to meet each client’s individual needs.
Hydroflux Solutions
Hydroflux offer a complete range of demineralized water and condensate polishing solutions for power stations including:
- Dissolved Air Flotation for highly turbid surface water supplies
- Multimedia Filtration
- Ultrafiltration
- Cation/Anion Ion Exchange
- Single and Double Pass Reverse Osmosis
- Electrodeionization
- Mixed Bed Ion Exchange
- Membrane Degassers for dissolved gas (CO2 and O2) removal