HyPURE® Multimedia Filtration

Optimise your water treatment process with Hydroflux proprietary HyPURE® Multimedia Filtration (MMF) systems

The HyPURE MMF system, designed and manufactured by Hydroflux, offers a compact, durable, and cost-effective solution for advanced water treatment. Available in a variety of configurations, media types, and construction materials, the HyPURE MMF system sets a new benchmark in efficiency and performance for media filtration processes.

Hydroflux has installed HyPURE multimedia systems in many applications including:

  • Pretreatment of advanced water from industrial wastewater sources
  • Production of process and potable water for industry from bore water and surface water supplies
  • Pretreatment prior to demineralisation or ion exchange
  • Pretreatment prior to HyPURE RO for hygienic process water or production of infant formula, dairy products, beverages, cosmetic and pharmaceutical products
  • Treatment of wastewater to meet strict environmental discharge standards – particularly with the inclusion of green sand media
  • As a component in Zero liquid discharge plants from industrial processes

Our expertise in water treatment gives us a unique edge in the industry, as we design our systems to manage water sources with the highest risk of scaling and biofouling. This conservative approach leads to extended filter life, low energy consumption, minimum downtime and maximum recovery.

Hydroflux Industrial have expertise in the design and construction of media filters to suit all applications with various sizes, materials of construction and media available.

Types of media used in HyPURE Multimedia Filtration systems

Multimedia Filtration (MMF) is a widely used water treatment technology that involves passing water through multiple layers of filtration media to remove contaminants. Each layer is made of different materials, such as sand, anthracite, gravel, or garnet, or single layers of crushed glass or greensand which are chosen for their specific filtration properties.

Media TypePurposeProperties
SandSand serves as the primary filtration layer in many MMF systems, effectively capturing suspended solids and particlesUniform particle size ensures consistent filtration performance
AnthraciteUsed as the top layer in MMF systems to filter larger particles and reduce turbidityLight and porous, anthracite prevents clogging and increases flow rates
GravelForms the base layer to support finer media like sand and provide proper drainageCoarse material that ensures even water distribution through the filter
GarnetPositioned as a dense, lower layer for filtering fine particles that bypass upper layersHigh density allows it to remain at the bottom, enhancing the filtration of small particles
GreensandSpecialized media for removing dissolved iron, manganese, and hydrogen sulfide from waterCoated with manganese oxide, greensand oxidizes and traps contaminants for easy removal
Crushed GlassAn eco-friendly alternative to sand for removing suspended solids and reducing turbidity with a longer life span, reduced backwash water requirementsRecycled glass media with excellent durability, uniform size, and enhanced filtration efficiency
Activated CarbonRemoves organic compounds, chlorine, chloramines, and odours, improving taste and water quality. Ideal for pre-treatment in drinking water systems and industrial applications requiring organic contaminant removalPorous structure adsorbs impurities effectively and can remove some heavy metals

Multimedia Filtration FAQs

What are the typical sizes of the pressure filtration vessels?

Pressure filtration vessels typically range in diameter from 60 cm to 3 meters and can be as long as 6 meters or more, depending on the flow rate and specific filtration needs. Hydroflux generally sizes banks of filter vessels to ensure economical transportation, taking into account the most efficient vessel sizes for both logistics and system requirements. The size of each pressure filter vessel is directly linked to the flow rate it is designed to handle and the downflow rate, which is influenced by the type of media used (such as sand, activated carbon, or multimedia) and the raw water quality. These factors determine the filtration capacity and efficiency, ensuring the system meets the specific demands of the application.

What type of maintenance is required on a HyPURE Multimedia system?

HyPURE MMFs are designed for extended, maintenance-free operation. Maintenance is unnecessary for several years, with the most frequent activity being media replacement which is typically every 5 to 10 years. The HyPURE system offers significant advantages over conventional media filtration systems. Its bottom nozzle plate design minimises maintenance downtime compared to bottom lateral diffuser designs. Additionally, the HyPURE system uses independent control valves to manage the filtration cycle, reducing the risk of breakdowns and failures associated with single multiport valves.

how does Hydroflux MMF system back wash work and do the systems need air scouring?

Backwashing is a crucial cleaning process used in pressure filtration systems to remove contaminants that accumulate on the filter media, such as dirt, debris, and particles. During a backwash cycle, the direction of water flow through the filtration vessel is reversed, causing the trapped solids to be lifted off the filter media. As the water flows backward, the media expands, which helps to dislodge the particles from the surface. This reversal, combined with the force of the water, flushes the contaminants out of the system, usually through a drain or waste outlet. After backwashing, the media is rinsed with clean water to restore its position and ensure that the filtration process can resume efficiently. Backwashing is usually an automated process based on differential pressure.

In some filtration systems, air scouring is incorporated to enhance the backwashing process. This involves injecting compressed air into the filter bed during backwashing to help lift stubborn particles or biofilm that water alone may not be able to remove. Air scouring is especially effective in systems using finer media where smaller particles or biofouling can clog the system. Air scouring however will  significantly improve the efficiency of the cleaning cycle, ensuring the filter media remains in optimal condition for continued filtration.


How is the media replaced?

Media replacement can be done by several different means. Spent media is usually sucked out of the vessel via a vacuum truck and carted from site to be recycled or disposed. It is also possible to unload some low-density media (such as activated carbon) via a hydraulic transfer to a specially designed screen to capture the media. The most common method of loading the replacement media is directly filling from an elevated work platform or conveyor into the top of the vessel. Media can also be loaded in via large bulk bags or pumped in from trucks or small tanks with specially designed loading systems. Hydroflux can offer complete media and replacement services to assist its customers.

Design and Construct Capabilities

HyPURE Multimedia filtration systems are often integrated as part of a broader treatment process. Hydroflux has the expertise and capability to deliver design-and-construct projects that incorporate a wide range of pretreatment technologies, including dissolved air flotation (DAF), clarification, and solids handling processes as required.

Hydroflux’s team includes qualified civil, mechanical, chemical, and electrical engineers, as well as experienced project managers, site supervisors, commissioning engineers, and service technicians. With offices located across Australia, Hydroflux ensures a strong local presence throughout the duration of every project. All projects are carried out under externally certified occupational health and safety and environmental management systems.

Hydroflux designs and constructs comprehensive wastewater treatment systems that incorporate various types of processing equipment, including physical/chemical, biological, and tertiary treatment technologies to enable water reuse. Hydroflux treatment plant incorporating dissolved air flotation using HyDAF, HyPURE Multimedia Filtration and HyX ion exchange.

Sustainable Solutions

As Australia’s first certified carbon-neutral water and wastewater chemical supply and service business, we focus on sustainability. Developing and delivering sustainable solutions for treatment plant operation and maintenance is at the core of what we do. Our equipment is the most sustainable in the Australian and New Zealand markets and is not just effective at protecting our valuable water resources but also carbon-neutral. Click here to find out what this means for you.